Sunday, November 14, 2010

Voyage of happiness – The beginning

The start of my new life was the same as everyone, when you start have a mental picture of your soul mate and life partner. Usually at early ages and at our teen, we would have created our partner based on some movie star. One time we were talking about this topic and I was kinda shocked kinda passed out from laughing when my mate say that the girl final fantasy characters is his mental picture of his dream girl and he even went further to say actually she is his dream girl and still is ?!!

Anyway I know there is itching desire inside you right now to know who was my dream girl? or what was my mental picture of ideal partner. Well to be honest I feel like been a total pain in the neck and not telling you , … ok I will tell you , my well not really one , but I use and actually still like JLO , Angelina Jolie and my all time favorite which am sure going to be surprise for a lot of you is Drew Barrymore. Most of us grow up( excepts for some individual who still living in his teen life while he is in the 40th ) and that picture get more mature , and we spicy it up with more serious ingredients.

In part two of my journey to my new life , I will share with you few of the ingredients that I have seen and what I thought or still think and believe are very important for a happy marriage and a beautiful new life. Just understand that here am not talking about essential ingredients and I am not talking about the basics that all have to be there. Some of the basics are good family, religion and respectful etc. the following some of the ingredients that I have based my new life on and some of which I believe that would make the marriage life lovable and meaningful:
· Understanding: knowing and understanding is the basic and most important ingredient that every marriage need. Every person have his/her needs all these needs have to be satisfied or fed and without a prior knowledge and understanding the other person will find it very hard to live up to the expectations
· Communication: effective and good communication skills are important to resolve any miss understanding or conflict. It very important to know when and how to communicate. This ingredient is very important to enable you effectively handle any conflict and have a health and happy relationship
· No blame and nonjudgmental attitude: this very important , blaming culture is a killer for every relationship and you should never judge your partner and shall always try to understand and forgive , and If you forgive never ever to bring back in any conversion
· Commitment: this very hard one and personally it take me while until I felt that I am ready for the committed life. The couple should be both willing to committee their life for each other. They willing to stand for each other and support each other in everything. they should be willing to be couple , lover and close friends
· Appreciation : the spouse should always have appreciation for each other
· Humility: the person should have a touch of humility and modesty. Stubborn spouse is a pain in the neck for the marriage life , as this ingredient help and improve the willingness for the couple to adjust and create teachable sprit inside them
· Financial planning: what do I mean by this, first most of the small problem or even major conflict in marriage life comes from misunderstanding regarding the financial planning. Hence having a harmonious couple financial plan is sign of happy marriage
· Sense of humor : I think the couple should have some sense of humor and be able to laugh and make each other laugh

These were few of the ingredients that made my dream partnerand for thus people who wondering did I get my wish and asking if my partner have any of the above. I would say yes , most of what I want and even more than I have dreamed of , she is amazing in everything and that make me so happy and luck. that why I can look forward for a happy new life

PS. Wait for part three of my journey to happy life

Friday, November 12, 2010

أبجديات ما قبل النوم

سالني احدهم
هل ما زلت تكتب الشعر
فاجبته بقول محمود درويش
"هل ما زال الشعر ضرورياً؟
وهل ما زال الشعر ممكناً؟"

اليوم امر بحالة شوق ووجدان
وبصدفه سمعت في الميذياع من يقول ان العرب تستخدم كلمة "شوقي" مرادف ل" حبيبي "
وهوا متعارف عليه في الاغاني والقصيد
ولكن ماذا اذا كان الشوق ناتج عن الحبيب هل لا يزال الحبيب يسمى شوقي
انا بين النوم والسهاد
كلما اغمضت عيني اجدني احدق في عينيها
أحدق و أرى حلم جميلا
أرى حلم مقبل
أرى زمنا يتبدل
أرى لغة لا تفهم
أرى قديستى تتجمل
نعم انها هيا
قدستي هناك تنتظر
هيا أجمل
هيا احلى
وافنح عيني و أرى النور
واغمضها و أرى النور
هما الاثنين نور و نور
بل هيا اجمل من نور المصباح
فالمصباح لا حاجت له في النهار
وقديستي لا استغني عنها لا باليل ولا النهار

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Voyage of happiness –Breaking news

Recently my younger brother has started his new life by getting engaged and I never thought that the start of his happiness would be the start of stressful period of me. Although that stress from people whom related or not been there for while, like am the only bachelor in town?!

Anyway in that day, me and my cousin decide to spice the day by confusing everyone by sitting next to my brother fully dressed. the good part most of our relative whom was coming for the small family party we had have no clue who is who and most of them can not distinguish between us. Anyway it was fun for while until everyone recognizes that the younger brother was the one whom getting married and than everyone was asking why he is getting married before his brother. Anyhow, my brother is happily engaged and am happy for him. however , every time I see anyone would ask me two question , why your brother get married before you , and why you not married yet ? ..daaaah , the answer damn obvious , he found his soul mate , and he started his life ,, what was wrong in that , marriage dose not have to be in any specific order and there is no law say that younger brother or sister have to wait for his/her older siblings.

I know some of you already confused and wondering where the heck am going with this. Anyway here we are the breaking news for this year, 2010
“Yes I have finally crossed the line “

Recently, after long waited period specially my mum, I have decided that I will start my new life specially that I have meet a very special person and I feel that I am the luckiest ever person and here I am engaged

yah , I am finally going to loss the “single” status and am sure the famous “singles gang “ gunna miss one lousy member , so hard to say good bye to them but so happy to be something for someone ,, it’s a beautiful feeling

so I know you want details , lol but sorry I am not gunna tell you anything more now , but I promise you all, that I will tell you the whole story in parts soon as it happen

Finally I am engaged
Finally I am happy
Moreover, since that day the joy and happiness have been filling my daily routine andand the smiles never left my lips

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Punishment or Homework?!

اليوم اول يوم في الاجازه السنويه ... والواحد راجع مرتاح ورامي كل شي ورا ظهره
بس افتح الاميل اشوف دعوه قلت بنفسي يا شيخ جاك الخير مره وحده هذي دعوه لافطار
بس الصدمه العاطفيه والنفسيه والبدنيه لما تشوف واجب منزلي في اول يوم اجازه
يعني مو حرام ... ابي اصيح بس عيب الرجال يصيحون بكتم بنفسي وابدا احل ... ما ادري شو صار في ايام زمان ما في واجبات بالاجازه السنويه بس في عصر ( الفرصده) ما في رحمه
بصراحه الدراسه جميله بس الوجبات والعقاب مو حلو ابدا ... فلكل المدرسين اقولها وارفع صوتي
We love you as long there are no homework and no punishment, let's make our study free of homework
الواجب المنزلي:
اليوم: الاحد
التاريخ: 11 رمضان 1431 الموافق 22 من اغسطس 2010
المادة: المطالعه و النصوص

من أرسل لك الدعوة ؟
Omanizer الأستاذة

كتب الطفولة التي بقيت عالقة في ذاكرتك ؟
عبقرية خالد بن الوليد للكاتب الكبير عباس محمود العقاد

مَنْ أهم الكتاب الذين قرأتِ لهم؟
كثيرين منهم:
ستيفين وكوفي Stephen Covey
سبنسر جونسون Spencer Johnson
واين داير Wayne Dyer
اجاثا كريستي Agatha Christie
محمود درويش
ومن شعراء النبط : بدر عبدالمحسن , خالد عبدالرحمن , عبدالله الفيصل , خالد الفيصل
وغيرهم كثير

من هم الكتاب الذين قررت ألا تقرأ لهم مجددا ؟
لا احكم على الكاتب بل على مضمون الكتاب

في صحراء قاحلة ، أي الكتب تحمل معك ؟
Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention

ما هي الكتب التي تقرئها الآن ؟
في هذا الشهر الكريم احاول ان اكثر من قراة المصحف الشريف

ATLAS SHRUGGED for AYN RANDكذلك احاول ان اكمل

ما هو الكاتبـ\ـة الذي\التي لم تقرأي لهـ\ـا أبدا ، وتتمنى قراءة كتبه\ـا ؟

J. R. R. Tolkien

أرسل الدعوة لأربعة مدونين من أجل مشاركتنا بذكرياتهم مع القراءة :
ام عزان
عائشَة السيفيّ
عذرا هم ثلاثه لا رابع لهم

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Would you do that to your friend?!!!

Lately I have been a regular customer to a very nice and quite café in Muscat. The atmosphere in thus place is very friendly and relaxing.( Enough advertisement for the 1882 café!!)

last week while am stopping the car behind this café, I notice one gentleman just stopped before me and he get off the car and went to the second seat and open the door for the lady in front seat. I was shocked and so pleased to see one of us doing this, but I said to myself they must be honeymooners, they are new married and the relationship still in its height, but when I saw him turn to the backseat and lead a beautiful two year baby girl and carry her onside with them I was amazed. I had very high respect and I still have actually because he was treating his lady with full respect and love which very rare to see. By luck this family sat near my usual table as when I get in the café as usual the nice waiter (Raul) came and open the door for me and he said:

“Sir your table is free let me connect your laptop adapter and give you Today password”

Hence he didn’t give me much of chance to locate myself away from this family so I can give them more privacy. I mange to sit down and connect my laptop while Raul was busy preparing my usual drink (lately he don’t even ask me what I want he just bring the coffee as he know I never drink anything other than black coffee). with time I couldn’t help not over hearing their conversation which it turn to me that the wife is not local ( she is not Omani girl ) and at that moment I asked myself , if this girl was Omani would he treated her the same? If not than why he wouldn’t he, also made me think why we don’t see a lot of husband doing the same? And so many other questions which made me go back and think about the antique of how to treat a lady.

The antique of to treat a lady is not what most of us men think we know. We think opening a door and stepping to one-side to allow our lady friends enter first is being a gentleman. Well sorry guys, if that is all you think you have to do, then you are out of luck. The fact that it a lot of more than that, and believe me some of these I have learned it the hard way!!

Actually my topic today is not how to treat a lady as in the end of the day everyone of have his own way and method. However, my main question and concern is if we actually know how to behavior in front of our female friend or colleague and we know how to treat them with manner, why we do not behavior the same when we deal with our spouse?! Why do we forget that she is a lady,( and for god seeks, she meant to be the most important lady on your life! ). So, why you treat her with less respect?

For example, if you are dinning with one of your friends, wouldn’t you ask nicely if you want them to pass you something from a cross the table, wouldn’t you say thank you afterward?! So, why you do not do the same for your spouse?

Another case, if someone have cooked you a meal, am sure everyone will be very appreciative and would at least compliment the food and say thank you, but I wonder how many husband will complement his wife and thank her for the great dinner( even if the maid had prepared the food!!)

The question here is why our behavior changes when we deal with our spouse. If we explore this issue from all dimensions we will find that it has three main dimensions or reasons:

The first dimension is the society: How? In our society, am talking about Omani society (although the fact can be generalized about most of the Arabic societies) we treat the female members of our family with less manners. Or let say we don’t walk the extra mile to please them or make them feel better. We relax our manner and respect in front of them. By time, the wife become one member of the family so the way the husband treat her will become exactly the way he treat the rest of female members of his family.

Second dimension is the wife: The wife herself is the main reason for all this. Ask me how?! When two people start relationship and the marriage life start, the two start to set the rules and by time it build up the blocks of most of behavior and relationship rules. hence, for all the women , when a man treat you a way less than he should be treating you than you should stop him or at least let him feel that this not the way you like to be treated. However, most of girls dose not have the courage to do that and this lead the men in that way. In my view the women in our society are weak and they are so nice to the point of becoming naïve. I wonder why when a girl say, he never did this to me, and he never said this to me to her friend but on the other side she never said that to him or made him feel that she is not happy with what he doing. I want to see one time that a girl when they get in the parking don’t rush to the door and wait for him to come and open the door for her, or when they coming to the car if he don’t come to open the door , she should ask him at least one time: “Baby can you open the door” so he will feel you want that, and its your right, and believe he will never forget it again. Hence , I think and my full believe that our society will never change unless the women themselves start to demand that change and start to show that they have rights to be treated in full manner.

Third and final dimension is the man: ok I left this to the last as it’s the essence of this issue. He is the one who can make it happen. In short , every man should look at his wife as his best friend and he should think when he do something , what if this person was my best friend , or my female friend or my female colleague at work , how would I behaved, how I would treated her. Than, he should treats his wife in same way if not even better, because in the end of the day she is most important person in his life. Secondly, the man should stop looking at his wife like the rest of his female member of family. She is part of his family, but she is not his sister, she is not his cousin, she is his wife, she is his best friend, she is special, and she shall be treated as special.

Moreover, if we look at our daily life we can see a lot of situations where a person will do something that will never do for his/her friends but you can easily see him/her doing it for his/her partner. hence I would like to highlight the top situation that I think every person should be aware of them:

First: Disrespect their partner in the company of others. This very important for a married coupled as usually this lead for loss of interest and break the real bonds between the couples. So, Next time your wife or husband is "being themselves" out with friends, just smile and remember that it is really not a big deal and try to avoid rolling your eyes at or vehemently disagreed with or nitpicked the way your spouse chose to phrase a story in public? If you have something, keep it until you are alone and talk about it.
Secondly: Regularly break plans. If you decide to visit family or friends for lunch or dinner, do you back out last-minute? Why would you do such a thing to your husband or wife? This make the spouse think that you take him or her for granted? From now on if you make plans with your partner, please stick to them.
Third: Nag, nag, nag. Let’s ask two questions here, first would you call up your friends and make demands on them? I guess the answer is no, so why would you do this to your husband or wife? Secondly, what would make you happier: telling your partner what to do and watching them do it begrudgingly, or giving them a chance to do something for you because they simply WANTED to do it?
Fourth: Forget your manners. This very important and a lot of people are guilty of doing it. You have to Treat your spouse with kindness, don't behave boorishly, correct your mistakes, remember your manners, apologize, forgive and forget and always remember that Please, thank-you, excuse me, and I'm sorry are no less important at home than they are when in the company of your friends and colleagues.

Finally, for both the wife and husband I want you to just close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself these questions:
· When was the last time I treated my spouse as a friend?
· Do you make certain demands on your husband because that's the way your mother treated your father?
· Do you use the same phrases in speaking to your wife that your dad uttered to your mom?
· Would you treat your friend in the same manner? My guess is no.

Please remember that you vowed to stay together "for better or for worse," but why make it worse when it can easily be so much better.

“Little things really do mean a lot”

Monday, July 12, 2010

With No title

The last couple of weeks have been very interesting and unpredictable from all aspect. A lot of things were going on in very busy and hectic working period. For local employee in my company summer usually is not fun especially if you are bachelor. First of all, most of the experts take their annual leave in summer understandably why!! If I was in their shoes of course I would run away from 50 degC temperature and 98% humidity. and been bachelor your good local college will use the normal expired poor excuse that they have to take their kids out and the only time they can take leave is during summer when their kids are not on school ( even if they don’t have any kids !!). Anyway, for me it is not big deal because personally I don’t like to take leave in summer unless I will run away from here, which I have no plan to do that this year.

As preparation for summer, I want and bought TV satellite set and finally my TV that I have bought in 2006 will finally be switch on. Actually my TV hate me so much for what I did for it and it went broken with electrical circuit faults only after three hours of operation. I don’t blame it as more than 3 year ago , it was the luckiest TV between the 100s of unit that was laying on the floor of Carrefour , that day it though thinking that this my day , this the day I will be free and I will see all the channels. The happiness of my new TV was even greater when it get to be connected to home theater speakers with 250 Watt amplifier. But that was last time I have seen the smile face on my beloved TV , except the few days when my brother visit me and bring some DVD, actually in the end my TV was in total love with my brother and wait for his visited patiently. Anyway, I have fixed all that between me and my TV, and now we good friends and I am regularly in front of its screen. TV was installed and every thing was ready for summer and specially the world cup 2010.

World cup 2010, ammmm where shall I start …….
This year was Africa turn to organize the world cup and surprisingly it has been really amazing. to be honest , I had a big doubt on this world cup and I was ready for disappointment but I am so happy that it turned good despite the fact few things happens in the beginning. unfortunately, the disappointment came when the German won against Argentina, I never seen such game , Argentina had all the ball and all the position and Germany was hitting them in the run and in counter attach same exactly they did to England. but at the end , Spain deservedly won it and am so happy as they were playing well and they were playing neat football. The high point on the World cup I think is Madonna, this guy is amazing, and he is a legend. I know he is not a good coach yet , but I am sure he will win the world cup in Brazil… that would be fun to win in the land of the enemy ( ).. but he is great , and thanks to his dog when he bite his lips and he needed 10 stitched to redo his lower lip , as he grow his beard and it was looking great on him… the low side I would say was the noise coming from the omnipresent Vuvuzela horns. Gosh I would rather be faced with the horn of a rampaging rhino than the Vuvu equivalent, which are blown, blared or driven through your ear hole during each game.

In the personal side, finally I have started first step on building my own house. The experience of dealing with building contractor is the worse ever experience and I never seen more deceiving people like the contractor.

Finally, few weeks ago was my birthday (am not that fussy with birthday) but this day was a great day, I had the best day ever and so wired that little things that have a big effect on our feelings. I think I owe one person all the happiness and joy I had in such memorable day

I guess am leading now where so am going to stop now specially my black coffee is almost finished and I feel that I need refill

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Note to self

Today i have learned the hard way. Life has given me a harsh and tough lesson, Lesson that left my tears watering my pale face.

Life taught me that when you want to achieve something for someone, make sure you do not hurt that person on the way. Otherwise, you would never feel the joy out of it even if you highly successful in your achievement

Life taught me that in stressful situation trust your heart to guide you and in tense situation you always can trust your brain.

Life taught me that love is the most important things on life, and the person whom you love should be always the first no matter what.

Life taught me that love is respect and respect is love. If you show less respect than you showed no love at all.

Life taught me that “Value has a value only if its value is valued “

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

From here and there

Well it is almost midnight and for some mysterious reasons it seems that i can not sleep. Lately life not been treating me nicely and the stress level have been greater than to be handled that why i have dropped sick the last few day.I have really miss my blog and i been trying to find time as i have promised myself to come here (my blog ) more often this year but so far i couldn’t fully honour that promise but i will keep trying my best.

So from here and there, where can i start , so let me start with my physical condition, i am always seen thing from positive way, i always think that everything that happen to us have positive and negative aspects. So it all turns to how we look at it. Anyway, the interesting part is while am so sick Last Friday and i think i was talking to myself, (thanks god no one was around or i would be the joke of the week), i found out the human being turn to very sensitive and needy person while he is weak. Which is not new as Max-Neef have classified that as to human fundamental need in his Fundamental human needs theory. Hence its very normal that that people seek s to overcome feelings of illness and weakness by mean of giving and receiving love, affection and importantly the sense of belonging. I am not going to dwell in this a lot as the topic of fundamental human needs is large and I can keep talking about it all night long. However, the note here is that person sometime become needy when sick and when these needs are satisfied, the person feels self-confident and valuable as a person in the world. When these needs are frustrated, the person feels inferior, weak, helpless and worthless. This actually reminds me with one lovely txt messages I have received ages ago which I never understood except when I came across Max-Neef theory, the txt was saying:

“Our true colours shows at our strongest and weakest points ...and so are the colours of others”

Now lets move to another place, personally am one of the people who hate Al Batinah road. I guess people from home know why. This vital route in Oman and every day you see couple of tragic accidents which take the life of our youth. If we think for a moment we will find that everyone of us , have lost someone in that road ( family member , relative , or friend ). Anyway cut the story short, today while flipping through the day paper I saw this headline in Times of Oman which made me jump from my bed

“Flyovers and tunnels to replace 54 intersections in AL Batinah “

I said to myself wow finally and I was so happy, than I started to read the whole topic and my smile was getting bigger and bigger. So existed that the ministry of Transport and ROP finally realize that something have to be done. It’s a great step and I am so happy. However, when I finish reading the story I just realized that they going to close the intersections ONLY now and there is nothing mention about when is the plan will start to construct the flyovers. Have they thought about the consequences of this step and what is going to do to the traffic? I can ensure you that the traffic jams at the roundabouts will increase drastically. Hence I wonder what is the mitigations and what measures have been taken to tackle this issues, I think none… hence as usual we try to solve one problem and we rush to the solution, we gave HALF answer which for me not acceptable they should start construction the flyover and gradually close the intersection and not close 54 intersection all at once.. Anyway personally I have an alternative route which I usually take and I will keep avoiding this route

Anyway, Talking about Half answer, I have read lately something related to this and it really made me laugh. So now , we have a bright new writer who have created new name for Zawj friend and he called it “Half marriage ©” [ I had to put the copy right log ,as I heard he is been trying to get the copy right for this name after the article be published in several blogs and news site including CNN… ammm it seem CNN running out of topics]. Anyway, for people who doses not know what Zawj friends, it is actually boy friend – girlfriends relationship. This kind of zawj is very commonly know in Europ and USA between Muslim students who like to have relationships but still have it under the Islamic . the main justification was given for this kind of marriage was the high cost of marriage and to protect the people. However this to me not a solution its half solution which don’t work , with marriage its either all or not. My only support for this is a little story that I have experience, back in UK we where discussing same topic with Muslim who live in UK and as you can expected some was supportive some was against. Hence I didn’t try to defend my point of view a lot , what I did I took the leader of that group , ie the big supporter who actually he have done it . I took him a side and I asked him sarcastically:

“I totally agree with you and am glad that you open minded, hence that why I would like to ask you to marry you sister as Zwaj friend “

Do you really wanna know what was his answer? The fact that I had a black eye for three days because f that question, so I think you can make the conclusion yourself.

To get to the point, in our society, there are so many taboos and subjects we do not speak about concerning intimacy, relating and sex, that we literally become isolated within our own thoughts, conditioning and beliefs. However, I think when we try to solve or discus something as sensitive as this we should give real answer and not just try to reform or re call something. Try to fit in that to yourself and look it from both way if you think it is valid and worth publishing that everyone will welcome that . Personally Marriage is noble relationship, that no one should touch, it the ultimate of all relationships. Finally this my personal view and I am not mocking anyone here but this really made me laugh and finally it was really good effort for omanization of the zawj friend concept and really well presented. But I wonder what will the writer reaction will be if someone asked him the same question above?!!!!!!!!!

Moreover, lately I have been accused by been very idealistic and pessimistic. The fact is that I am completely the opposite as I consider myself very optimistic; however I am also realistic. Regarding idealistic, I wonder what wrong in striving to be ideal. I agree we do not live in ideal world but what is wrong on trying to drive our world and society perfection or to better one. Why do I have to accept all what I have inherited from other?!!

Finally, I would like to state and emphasis that when i write about something sad and sore (either personal or social), I don’t want you to cry and feel the pain but I would like you to change that sad face of the whole world. As its our duty to understand that sometime there is no hope but we have to change it and our life have to continue. To emphasis on that once more let me try to put it in different language:

احبتي : عندما نكتب عن أشياءمحزنه لا نطلب منكم البكاءوالألم،بل لتغيروا ذلك الوجه الحزين للعالم؛لأنه علينا، في نهايةالمطاف أن نفهم، أن كل الأشياء من غير أمل ولكن مع ذلك علينا أن نغيرها فالحياة ببساطة يجب أن تستمر

Now am going to leave you with this quote

“Money can’t buy happiness but somehow, its more comfortable to cry in a BMW than on a bicycle ...”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just not easy !!!

Missing someone is not easy
It kills the spirit in you and poisons the love inside you…

Hurting someone is not easy
It kills the beauty of spirit and poisons the care inside you …..

Writing these words is not easy
It kills my mind and poisons my heart ……

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beautiful day, Ruined by MM

What a beautiful weather that our lovely city is passing by today, I just took my lunch break and my dark black Columbian blend coffee and start driven around near the beach enjoying the weather. But suddenly the rain a bit increases and the water start to overflow and fill the entire road. The drivers start to put on their black masks and start driving and fighting (yes they seem more of fight rather than driving). I understand that the road condition is bad, thanks to MM (Muscat Municipality). Who I think should be given the prize for the worse ever drainage system in the world. Despite all the signs that we seen from previous rains and the accident /delays caused by r it seem that MM the last to notice. If they have ever notice, and what really pissing me off and drive me nut , that even the new roads been design without a drainage system. FOR GOD SEEK wake up , I am gunna stop talking about MM design as even old people can see how stupid they look , two weeks a go I took my grandpa who lived most of his life in the village to new reconstructed Al-Qurum beach. and while we sitting I he said I want coffee and I said let us go to the café in front of us (Starbucks). Than he left his head and looked at it and he say, what a stupid design why the road is in the seaside and the restaurant and café the roadside , GO GET ME MY COFFEE AM NOT MOVING FROM HERE, and he called me stupid ( although I had nothing to do with that design). Moral of the story, even a 70 year old whom never been in the beach would easily spot such a mistake and such stupid design. They have done it before and when the cyclones came and toke it all in pieces. They still have done it the same way… Gosh when they gunna wake up from their old deep deep sleeping,,, am gunna stop cause they really hate to be disturb when they sleeping and I might get punish for it.. so ishhhhhh be quite PPL as been quite is what we are famous of

Anyway, can’t also ignore to notice how naïve and uneducated are most of the drivers in Muscat. I recently came from India (Mumbai ) and you can not imagine how busy the road in there , but what I really liked , the traffic was always moving and everyone open space and help each other. all what you need to do is HORN and everyone will open space for you. No one get upset if you cut them, and that what I really adore, the traffic always in harmony, and always moving.
I wish one day in Muscat that you see people helping each other in the road and you see less people driving in the side of the road trying to cut you off. I guess maybe we can hope that our kids will enjoy that in 100 years as honestly with the mentality of the people we having right now, we would never get there. It is my dream and I wil keep dreaming !!!

Finally, I’m gunna be walking in the rain again … I MISS the RAIN