Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today, as I been busy migrating from our old IT system to our new state of art system. Personally I feel its complete waste of resources. Most of time, we spend time in transferring our data from the system to another and getting familiarized with the new system. once you get hold with the new system and you so proud of yourself that you did so , you just get shocked with advance note that “ We going to migrate to new filing system. Anyway it’s not my topic and change is important to keep some of the HR and IT people busy (as usual I get off track!!! and I start talking about something else). During my clearance of the emails as I get loads of junks, this particular email attracted my eyes and I loved it. Hence I want to share it with you. its very good article. PLZ READ UNTIL THE END
It's been 18 years since I joined Volvo, a Swedish company. Working for them has proven to be an interesting experience. Any project here takes 2 years to be finalized, even if the idea is simple and brilliant. It's a rule. Globalize processes have caused in us (all over the world) a general sense of searching for immediate results. Therefore, we have come to posses a need to see immediate results. This contrasts greatly with the slow movements of the Swedish. They, on the other hand, debate, debate, debate, hold x quantity of meetings and work with a slowdown scheme. At the end, this always yields better results. Said in another words:
1. Sweden is about the size of San Pablo, a state in Brazil.
2. Sweden has 2 million inhabitants.
3. Stockholm, has 500,000 people.
4. Volvo, Escania, Ericsson, Electrolux, Nokia are some of its renowned companies (Volvo supplies the NASA).
The first time I was in Sweden, one of my colleagues picked me up at the hotel every morning. It was September, bit cold and snowy. We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work). The first day, I didn't say anything, either the second or third. One morning I asked, "Do you have a fixed parking space? I've noticed we park far from the entrance even when there are no other cars in the lot." To which he replied, "Since we're here early we'll have time to walk, and whoever gets in late will be late and need a place closer to the door. Don't you think so? Imagine my face.
Nowadays, there's a movement in Europe named Slow Food. This movement establishes that people should eat and drink slowly, with enough time to tastetheir food, spend time with the family, friends, without rushing. Slow Food is against its counterpart: the spirit of Fast Food and what it stands for as a lifestyle. Slow Food is the basis for a bigger movement called Slow Europe, as mentioned by Business Week. Basically, the movement questions the sense of "hurry" and craziness" generated by globalization, fueled by the desire of "having in quantity" (life status) versus "having with quality", "life quality" or the quality of being".
French people, even though they work only 35 hours per week, are more productive than Americans or British. Germans have established 29 hour workweeks and have seen their productivity been driven up by 20%. This slow attitude has brought forth the US's attention, pupils of the fast and the "do it now!". This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having a lower productivity. It means working and doing things with greater quality, perfection, with more attention to detail and less stress. It means reducing rejects and wastage. It means reestablishing family values, friends, free and leisure time. Taking the "now", present and concrete, versus the "global", undefined and anonymous future. It means taking humans' essential values, the simplicity of living. It stands for a less coercive work environment, more happy, lighter and more productive where humans enjoy doing what they know best how to do.
It's time to stop and think on how companies need to develop serious quality with no-rush that will increase productivity and the quality of products and services, without losing the essence of spirit.
In the movie, Scent of a Woman, there's a scene where Al Pacino asks a girl to dance and she replies, "I can't, my boyfriend will be here any minute now". To which Al responds, "A life is lived in an instant". Then they dance to a tango.
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time. Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present, which is the only time that truly exists. We all have equal time throughout the world. No one has more or less. The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time. We need to live each moment. As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
Congratulations for reading till the end of this message. There are many who will have stopped in the middle so as not to waste time in this globalized world.
Nalin S Kohli
SanskarInternational School for Holistic Learning
My Reflection and thought on the article:
Unfortunately looking at this article we can all notice that what we are doing is completely the opposite of what other successful community do. we have get effected with “ US ill culture ”. we became over busy, we don’t have to reflect nor to plan and decide , we became modern “cowboys” . How many times we have heard the worlds “am busy”, “sorry I couldn’t find time”, “I have hectic schedule” and many other words that we use to get excuse not to do something.
Moreover, up I highlighted few lines that I think its worth looking at and explore the great atheist behind it. I love to see some of us rethink his life and plan it in SLOW MODE. I have been rushing everything in my life and looking back at it , I wish I had more time but no point looking back , I hope this article will change something on me ( right now am full with idea , but am worried when I wake up tomorrow I would wake up the same person I was yesterday , only more grey hair )

Friday, May 15, 2009

انت منذ الان غيرك --- محمود درويش

قصتي مع هذي الرائعه الجميله من روائع الاستاذ الراحل محمود درويش

Tonight while i was going through some of my suitcase that laying on the floor since I came back from abroad. I found one of my favourite books, it been with me the last two year wherever i go. And i remember one thing that happen to me because of that book and more specifically this one line.
Obviously, it wasn’t because of the line , nor the poem nor my great teacher Mamood darwish. It was only one of my stupid moments.

My mood wasn’t clear and it was in the worse ever state you can imagine. I was cold, bored lonely, tired, hungry, Irritated, depressed, oversensitive and all combined with total mood swings with alternating sadness and anger. (And we say that men don’t PMS

Now I will let you read through this amazing piece of art and the line that gets me in trouble is highlighted in red. To clarify the line is great, just make sure if you want to use it use it wisely.

NB For my English reader I promise to try and post the English version of this piece of art once I found the best translation for it.

هل كان علينا أن نسقط من عُلُوّ شاهق، ونرى ‏دمنا على أيدينا... لنُدْرك أننا لسنا ملائكة.. كما كنا نظن؟

‏وهل كان ‏علينا أيضاً أن نكشف عن عوراتنا أمام الملأ، كي لا تبقى حقيقتنا عذراء؟

‏كم ‏كَذَبنا حين قلنا: نحن استثناء!

‏أن تصدِّق نفسك أسوأُ من أن تكذب على ‏غيرك!

‏أن نكون ودودين مع مَنْ يكرهوننا، وقساةً مع مَنْ يحبّونَنا - تلك ‏هي دُونيّة المُتعالي، وغطرسة الوضيع!

‏أيها الماضي! لا تغيِّرنا... كلما ‏ابتعدنا عنك!

أيها المستقبل: لا تسألنا: مَنْ أنتم؟

وماذا تريدون مني؟ ‏فنحن أيضاً لا نعرف.

‏أَيها الحاضر! تحمَّلنا قليلاً، فلسنا سوى عابري ‏سبيلٍ ثقلاءِ الظل!

‏الهوية هي: ما نُورث لا ما نَرِث. ما نخترع لا ما ‏نتذكر. الهوية هي فَسادُ المرآة التي يجب أن نكسرها كُلَّما أعجبتنا الصورة!

‏تَقَنَّع وتَشَجَّع، وقتل أمَّه.. لأنها هي ما تيسَّر له من الطرائد.. ولأنَّ ‏جنديَّةً أوقفته وكشفتْ له عن نهديها قائلة: هل لأمِّك، مثلهما؟

‏لولا ‏الحياء والظلام، لزرتُ غزة، دون أن أعرف الطريق إلى بيت أبي سفيان الجديد، ولا اسم ‏النبي الجديد!

‏ولولا أن محمداً هو خاتم الأنبياء، لصار لكل عصابةٍ نبيّ، ‏ولكل صحابيّ ميليشيا!

‏أعجبنا حزيران في ذكراه الأربعين: إن لم نجد مَنْ ‏يهزمنا ثانيةً هزمنا أنفسنا بأيدينا لئلا ننسى!

‏مهما نظرتَ في عينيّ.. فلن ‏تجد نظرتي هناك. خَطَفَتْها فضيحة!

‏قلبي ليس لي... ولا لأحد. لقد استقلَّ ‏عني، دون أن يصبح حجراً.

‏هل يعرفُ مَنْ يهتفُ على جثة ضحيّته - أخيه: >‏الله أكبر< ‏أنه كافر إذ يرى الله على صورته هو: أصغرَ من كائنٍ بشريٍّ

سويِّ ‏التكوين؟

‏أخفى السجينُ، الطامحُ إلى وراثة السجن، ابتسامةَ النصر عن ‏الكاميرا. لكنه لم يفلح في كبح السعادة السائلة من عينيه .

‏رُبَّما لأن النصّ ‏المتعجِّل كان أَقوى من المُمثِّل.

‏ما حاجتنا للنرجس، ما دمنا ‏فلسطينيين.

‏وما دمنا لا نعرف الفرق بين الجامع والجامعة، لأنهما من جذر ‏لغوي واحد، فما حاجتنا للدولة... ما دامت هي والأيام إلى مصير واحد؟.

‏لافتة كبيرة على باب نادٍ ليليٍّ: نرحب بالفلسطينيين العائدين من المعركة. ‏الدخول مجاناً! وخمرتنا... لا تُسْكِر!.

‏لا أستطيع الدفاع عن حقي في ‏العمل، ماسحَ أحذيةٍ على الأرصفة

.‏لأن من حقّ زبائني أن يعتبروني لصَّ أحذية ـ ‏هكذا قال لي أستاذ جامعة!.

>‏أنا والغريب على ابن عمِّي. وأنا وابن ‏عمِّي على أَخي. وأَنا وشيخي عليَّ<. ‏ هذا هو الدرس الأول في التربية الوطنية ‏الجديدة، في أقبية الظلام. ‏

من يدخل الجنة أولاً؟ مَنْ مات برصاص العدو، أم ‏مَنْ مات برصاص الأخ؟

‏بعض الفقهاء يقول: رُبَّ عَدُوٍّ لك ولدته أمّك!.‏

لا يغيظني الأصوليون، فهم مؤمنون على طريقتهم الخاصة. ولكن، يغيظني أنصارهم ‏العلمانيون، وأَنصارهم الملحدون الذين لا يؤمنون إلاّ بدين وحيد: صورهم في ‏التلفزيون!

.‏سألني: هل يدافع حارس جائع عن دارٍ سافر صاحبها، لقضاء إجازته ‏الصيفية في الريفيرا الفرنسية أو الايطالية.. لا فرق؟‏

قُلْتُ: لا يدافع!.‏

وسألني: هل أنا + أنا = اثنين؟

‏قلت: أنت وأنت أقلُّ من واحد!.

‏لا ‏أَخجل من هويتي، فهي ما زالت قيد التأليف. ولكني أخجل من بعض ما جاء في مقدمة ابن ‏خلدون.

‏أنت، منذ الآن، غيرك!